One Child - Home of the Innocents

One Child

Erika Rhodes-Chism, Medical Social Services Manager

January 17, 2020

One exceptional DCBS worker who, during a routine home visit, noticed the 4-month-old baby’s head was very swollen, she had glassy eyes, flat affect, no cry, bruising on her eyebrow, and wouldn’t take a bottle. The worker demanded the parents take the child to the hospital and followed them there to ensure the child received medical care and, thereby, helped save her life.

One hospital team that recognized the significant nature of the baby’s injuries, began treating her and notified police.

One police team, investigating with DCBS and Forensics, declared the child had suffered a pediatric abusive head injury so severe it was nearly fatal.

One forensic social worker who sought an appropriate level of care for this medically complex infant in our Kosair Charities Pediatric Convalescent Center.

1,135 days of admission, more than 27,000 hours of care, more than 9,000 diapers changed, 6,800 feedings, more than 400 therapy sessions, hundreds of walks, and countless snuggles and hugs.

This child, now three-and—half-years-old, walked out of our facility this week to go to a foster home. Walked out. On her own feet.

One child.

On behalf of this one child, one million thank yous to everyone who has helped her come so far. Her life is forever changed for the better because you helped her grow, thrive, and learn through the past three years.