Help Zack and Kids Like Him - Home of the Innocents

Help Zack and Kids Like Him

Paul Robinson, President & CEO

May 24, 2023

Mark’s son Zack has had many challenges in his five short years of life. At just fifteen months old his development seemed to stall. After visiting several doctors and specialists, Zack received formal diagnoses and Mark began his journey to support and connect with his child. Through speech, occupational, physical, and behavioral health therapies, Zack began to flourish.


As Zack grew, Mark realized how much joy his son found playing in sprinklers, the kitchen sink, and the bathtub so when he found out about special sensory swim programs at Home of the Innocents, he quickly signed Zack up“I would like to thank the staff at the pool yesterday. My son and I had a tremendous time for the hour and a half.Although he seldom ventured from the wall, he couldn’t stop talking about how much he enjoyed himself. Thank you for putting on such an amazing event. We look forward to attending more in the future!” Mark


While our Aquatic Therapy Center is just one part of Home of the Innocents, it is a great example of how the Home is many things to many people. You are the reason Mark has a unique place to spend time with his son. You are the reasonchildren in our Residential Treatment and Emergency Shelter program have a backyard to play in. You are the reason thousands of children, and their families have a place to find hope, health, and happiness.

For 143 years, Home of the Innocents has enriched the lives of children and been the change our community needs to ensure all children lead safe and fulfilling lives. We have been honored to rely on your dedication and unwavering commitment to the Home as we provide spaces for people in our community.

Now, we are depending on you once again to stand up for those who need it most and make your generosity known through a gift to Home of the Innocents. Thanks to you, last year over 80 children called our pediatric skilled nursing facility home. Our dedicated team of nurses, therapists, and physicians provided the skilled and compassionate care they deserve. Thanks to you, children in state foster care found safety and stability in one of our therapeutic foster homes. Your donations allowed us to guide over 100 young adults experiencing homelessness into clean, affordable housing.

We need your help to continue providing great spaces for all families who need it. Will you make your gift today to make an impact in the lives of children and families in our community?

Your donation will ensure everyone who visits the Home will have the tools they need to continue creating their best possible lives.


With Thanks,

Paul Robinson

President & CEO


P.S. – Would you consider donating to help us continue providing these life-changing programs for kids like Zack?

P.P.S. – Consider making a recurring gift, a great way for you to provide consistent, sustainable funding for a big impact!