Finding Normalcy in the Pool - Home of the Innocents

Finding Normalcy in the Pool

Meredith Pack, Director of Communications

July 31, 2018

The Kay and Jim Morrissey Aquatic Therapy Center at Home of the Innocents boasts a wonderful therapy pool that is open to swimmers of all ages. Many people assume our pool is only open to our residents, or only to children. On the contrary, our pool is open to adults and children alike, and it’s not often enough we receive wonderful stories from patrons who have swam with us in the past.

We were touched to receive a note from Mr. Morrissey himself, containing a letter he received from the family of an adult who used our pool many times. This sweet reminder of how far into the community our services reach brightened our cloudy morning, and we hope you appreciate it as much as we do.

Dear Mr. & Mrs. Morrissey,

I am writing to say thank you and to let you know how special it was for my family and me to spend time with my mom at the Kay & Jim Morrissey Aquatic Therapy Center at Home of the Innocents. We lost Mom in 2014 due to complications of Parkinson’s and Parkinson’s dementia, but for many months before her death, we were able to spend special time together as a family due to your kindness.

The facility is beautiful, thoughtfully designed and the staff was kind and attentive. Floating in the pool relieved a lot of Mom’s pain and stiffness, so much so that her doctors were able to reduce her medications, but the experience gave her and us so much more. Her illness had robbed her of having relationships with her younger grandchildren. They never knew her as the bright and funny mother of eleven children she was before, only as the scary, silent lady in the wheelchair. But in the pool, everybody could have fun together. We made sure each grandchild got a chance to go swimming with her at least once. Even though she couldn’t hug or speak with them, they all got a happy memory of swimming with their grandmother.

And our family was not alone. There were moms of kids with cerebral palsy sharing rare moments of normalcy with other moms while their kids bobbed in the water alongside us. Another sweet moment happened one day as we were wheeling Mom down the ramp into the water. A boy in the Downs Syndrome class broke out of his exercise line and came over to pat Mom’s hand as her wheelchair pitched forward. He told her with authority, “Don’t be afraid. It’s really fun!” Even with the frozen mask of Parkinson’s, Mom broke out in a huge grin – a perfect moment for everyone.

I wish this simple note could convey how much joy you have brought to our family and I apologize for taking so long to let you know what a difference you made In our lives.


Mary Kay Flege

Including Baby Splash classes for infants as young as five months of age, an award-winning Parkinson class, aquatic fitness classes, private swimming lessons, an aquatic program for those battling breast cancer, aquatic therapy for all ages, and private pool parties, our therapy pool offers something for everyone. For more information or to sign up for any of our classes, visit the Aquatic Therapy Pool page on our website or contact Ben Snyder, Director of the Aquatic Therapy Center, at 502.596.1143 or