Despite fragile bones, Ainsley thrives during aquatic therapy! - Home of the Innocents

Despite fragile bones, Ainsley thrives during aquatic therapy!

Emmory Shipley, Communications Coordinator

February 7, 2019

For Ainsley Gray, Baby Shark is more than just a fun song – it’s a part of her aquatic therapy in our 92 degree therapy pool!

Ainsley is a fun-loving two-year-old who loves to giggle and make others laugh. She was born on January 24, 2017 with a condition called Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OI). OI is a genetic condition that makes her bones extremely fragile. When she was eight months old, her surgeon described her bones as “wafer thin” and told her parents, Ashley and Brady, her bones don’t really break, they “mush” because they’re so delicate.

Due to her medical complications, Ainsley’s movement is restricted to reduce painful injuries. However, in our Aquatic Therapy Center, it’s a whole new world! She has tummy time, head control, sits up, and her favorite part – socializing with other kids! She lights up when she swims, plays, and splashes in the water. Ashley and Brady are beyond grateful for her time in the pool, not only because of her increase in motion, but also her pure joy while in the water.

Ashley and Ainsley work with our therapist Kristen Brents in the pool. “The impact water therapy makes is immeasurable. Everyone at the Home who helps Ainsley is great at what they do and very supportive.”

The Gray family inspires us and we’re so thankful for the opportunity to work with them. To learn more about sweet Ainsley, visit her Facebook page!