A message of gratitude - Home of the Innocents

A message of gratitude

Paul Robinson, President & CEO

November 25, 2020

Dear Friends,
During this year of great challenge, it would be easy to focus on the bad things that have happened or the struggles each of us have endured. We continue to look to the future with great uncertainty; longing for a return to whatever normal is.
As we prepare to celebrate tomorrow’s Thanksgiving holiday, I offer gratitude to you for the countless examples of mission delivery made possible by our organization this year.
Despite the challenges of COVID-19, our dedicated team members have risen to the challenge to keep our children safe and healthy, continue providing our extensive list of programs and services in innovative and different ways, and create an environment that is supportive for one another. Each team member was asked to do so much more this year. Whether you were fully gowned and masked, forced to work remotely, or simply exhausted from the non-stop stresses each day brings, we simply could not deliver our mission without our 600 compassionate and giving team members.
We are fortunate to have the incredible support of our Board of Directors, Associate Board of Directors, and committee members. They give the gift of their time and expertise to strengthen our mission and keep us moving forward to serve the children and families of our community. Without being able to physically be with us on-site, they shifted quickly to virtual support with limitless encouragement.
Our large team of community volunteers provide an incredible investment of their time helping with various projects or events. Without being able to be on-site, many shifted to providing virtual interactions with the children we serve in our programs. These interactions truly have brightened our children’s days.
Finally, our organization continues to receive an abundance of support from across our community. During a time when your support was more important than ever, your solid belief in our mission has helped ensure we will be here for the children and families that we know will need us tomorrow.
I am grateful for each of you and your support of our organization. Your endless commitment to enriching the lives of children and families with hope, health, and happiness inspires me. Thank you for making this year not about how COVID affected our organization, but rather, how we faced the challenge and strengthened our resolve to continue our 140-year legacy of being here for the children and families of our community.
I hope you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Paul W. Robinson MBA
President & CEO